• 周三. 6 月 5th, 202410:47:34

    美洲秘鲁科伊露莉提天主圣殿的朝圣 Pilgrimage to the sanctuary of th


    前往Qoyllurit’i圣所的朝圣活动结合了天主教和前拉美裔自然神崇拜的元素。它开始于教庆祝复活节星期日的58天后,当时来自库斯科周围的9万人前往位于Sinakara hollow的避难所。朝圣者被分为八个“国家”,与他们的原籍村庄相对应:Paucartambo、Quispicanchi、Canchis、Acomayo、Paruro、Tawantinsuyo、Anta和Urubamba。朝圣活动包括在白雪覆盖的山上来回穿行十字架,以及24小时的。在期间,波卡塔姆博族和基斯皮坎奇族将塔扬卡尼领主和悲伤的圣母的肖像带到塔扬卡尼村迎接第一缕阳光。舞蹈在朝圣中扮演着核心角色:100种不同的舞蹈代表着不同的“国家”。朝圣者国家委员会和Qoyllurit’i领主兄弟会指导朝圣活动、其规则和行为准则,并提供食物,而穿着羊驼纤维服装和羊毛编织动物面具的帕布里托斯或帕布卢查斯则维持秩序。朝圣活动包含了各种各样的文化表现形式,是安第斯山脉不同海拔地区从事不同经济活动的社区的聚会场所。 2011年度列入人类非物质文化遗产名录。 来源:教科文组织亚太地区非物质文化遗产国际培训中心 The Pilgrimage to the sanctuary of the Lord of Qoyllurit’i combines elements from Catholicism and worship of pre-Hispanic nature deities. It begins fifty-eight days after the Christian celebration of Easter Sunday, when 90,000 people from around Cusco travel to the sanctuary, located in Sinakara hollow. Pilgrims are divided into eight ‘nations’ corresponding to their villages of origin: Paucartambo, Quispicanchi, Canchis, Acomayo, Paruro, Tawantinsuyo, Anta and Urubamba. The pilgrimage includes processions of crosses up and down the snow-capped mountain and a twenty-four hour procession, during which the Paucartambo and Quispicanchi nations carry images of the Lord of Tayancani and the Grieving Virgin to the village of Tayancani to greet the first rays of sunlight. Dance plays a central part in the pilgrimage: a hundred different dances are performed representing the different ‘nations’. The Council of Pilgrim Nations and the Brotherhood of the Lord of Qoyllurit’i direct the pilgrimage activities, its rules and codes of behaviour, and supply food, whilepablitosorpabluchas, figures wearing garments of alpaca fibre and woven wool animal masks, maintain order. The pilgrimage encompasses a broad variety of cultural expressions and constitutes a meeting place for communities from different Andean altitudes engaged in different economic activities. Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2011. Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region